Transitions Summer Camps

Do you remember when summer holidays meant finally having some days to call your own?

In Transitions, children are encouraged to do their own thing!  Aimed at older children who are still too young to be on their own, but ready for more independence, the camp bridges the gap from ‘being cared for’ to ‘being responsible’. Transitions is a fun and action packed summer day camp program that offers children a chance to gain the “extra” tools they need to be independent and responsible. The program is organized into two age categories.

  • Junior Sites – 5 to 7 years old
  • Senior Sites – 8 to 12 years old

What makes Transitions so unique?

The hallmark of Transitions is that the children have ownership of the program. Under the guidance of qualified counsellors, each group receives a small weekly allowance and bus tickets for outings they organize and plan themselves. They make their own rules, plan their time, and manage all aspects of the program. In Transitions, children are encouraged to be the “Boss”. The end result is a sense of empowerment, faith in their abilities, and a ton of recreational fun.  The program operates in numerous communities across the City of Ottawa. All of our counsellors are screened and have High Five and First Aid Training.  Transitions is a small group program with 8 Juniors and 10 Seniors. All groups are supervised by a Head Counsellor and an Assistant Counsellor. Emphasis is on organizing off-site activities.

In Transitions, your child can learn:

  • To develop self-confidence, independence, and responsibility;
  • To develop healthy co-operative social and working relationships with other children and adults;
  • Time and money management;
  • To make decisions, plan, and organize all aspects of desired activities;
  • To explore and utilize the resources within the Ottawa area and to be healthy and contributing members of the

The Sky is the Limit when it comes to activity plans

When children’s creative minds are making the plans, the activity opportunities are endless!  These are just some examples of activities that your child may do if they attend a Transitions Summer Camp:

  • Visit various City of Ottawa beaches, pools, and parks and attending City run Park parties;
  • Exploring the many museums our beautiful city has to offer;
  • Attending festivals as they are held throughout the summer;
  • Visiting Parliament Hill and partaking in Yoga on the Hill;
  • Sports and other team building activities;
  • Arts and crafts;
  • Cooking and baking;
  • Coming up with fundraising initiatives and implementing them in order to be able to do more activities of their choice.

We Made the News!!!!

Check out this article published by the Citizen featuring the Transitions Day Camp…

The UpBeat: Financial mergers just part of business at Transitions camps

About Our Counselors

All Transitions counsellors screened, trained, monitored, and supported by the Children’s Village of Ottawa-Carleton.  All counsellors have completed the following training prior to starting their employment with us.

  • High Five Accreditation – a workshop on Principals of Healthy Child Development
  • Children’s Village Training – in information session covering the philosophy of Transitions, procedures and practices, job readiness training, expectations, support and safety
  • Standard First Aid and CPR

Counsellors encourage children to make decisions and develop independence, life skills, social skills, and self-confidence, while ensuring the safety and well-being of their assigned group of children.  They encourage children to work together to create their program, and make suggestions to expand their ideas and highlight educational aspects of the planned activities.


What the kids say…

“The best part of camp was almost everything!”

“This camp is the best; we got to do our own thing.”

What the parents say…

“This program definitely fills a gap for 10-12 year olds.”

“Having an allowance is a great learning experience – my daughter now realizes money doesn’t grow on trees.”

What the Counsellors say…

“The wonderful thing about the Transitions camp is that it is built by the children.”

“After spending a summer with these children, I can honestly say I was pleased to see how the concepts of the program helped each child grow and become more responsible.”

Our 2024 camp locations are:

Woodroffe Public School – 235 Woodroffe Avenue
St. Rita School – 1 Inverness Avenue
Madden Court, Nepean Housing – 16 Kilbarron Road
Pallister Private, Nepean Housing – 48a Dalkowski Private

Rochester Heights Community House – 865 Gladstone Avenue
Winthrop Community House, Pinecrest-Queensway – 38 Winthrop Private

Our 2024 camp session dates:

Session 1: July 2nd   –  July 12th
Session 2: July 15th –  July 26th
Session 3: July 28th – August 9th
Session 4: August 12th –  August 23rd

8:00am to 5:00pm (hours may vary depending on site)

The Payment Options:

  • Full Fee
  • Ontario Works / Ontario Disability Support Program
  • Other

For further information on the 2024 Transitions Program, or to receive an application by mail, please contact Lee Foster 613-725-2040 ext. 110.

To apply online, please click below and fill out the application form: