Staff Training Websites
Each staff must complete the training modules listed below. At the end of each online course you are able to print a certificate indicating that you have completed the necessary training module or a test piece. These certificates/proof of completion must be given to your Program Supervisor for your personnel file. Failure to complete these training modules in a reasonable amount of time from your hire date will leave your file incomplete and non-compliant. Please ensure your online courses are completed within 2 weeks of your hiring date.
1. Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) training
Press launch and print certificate at end.
2. Health & Safety – E-training Module
Safety in the Workplace [WSIB] Access E-learning module
Two levels:
Employee / Supervisor:
Note: If you are a supervisor you must complete both.
3. Accessibility training AODA Customer Service Training
4. Anaphylaxis Training (no certificate, just print completion page and sign off with date)
5. Child Care and Early Years Act (CCEYA)
6. How To Use EpiPen®
Don’t forget to print your certificate at the end of the module!