Form Overview This form will be used to generate a Provider Profile, which your Child Care Advisor may distribute when talking to new families. Similar to a resumé, this will help highlight all the great features of your Home Child Care, and encourage families to meet with you. However, the profile will remain anonymous unless a family personally requests your contact details.Home Child Care FeaturesPlease complete all required fields.NameNeighbourhoodLanguages SpokenAvailabilityPlease complete all required fields.Start TimePlease enter the earliest you are willing to openClose TimePlease enter the latest you are willing to closeDaysMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySundayFlexible CareExtended Hours (more than 10hrs)EveningsOvernightsPublic HolidaysPetsYesNoType of petsSchool Aged CareYesNoSchoolsDo you have an approved alternate provider who can provide care when you are unavailable?YesNoDo you drive children in your vehicle (for playgroup, outings, school drop off etc.)?YesNoType of HomeApartmentTownhouseSingle HomeOtherType of home:Outdoor SpacePrivate yardShared yardLocal ParksOtherOutdoor SpaceTell us about your Home Child CarePlease provide as much detail as you can about your home child care.Program Highlights0 / 210Dietary Accommodations0 / 210Experience/Training0 / 200Philosophy0 / 300Optional: PhotosDrag and Drop (or) Choose Files*NO PHOTOS OF CHILDREN* Showcase your child care by sharing photos of the play area, toys, activities set up, meals you prepare, crafts completed by the children etc.SubmitPlease do not fill in this field.